Random Photos (Slide show link to copy and paste)


3 thoughts on “Random Photos (Slide show link to copy and paste)”

  1. Hey Lisa maybe it’s my connection but I can’t view this. Would you like help so you can share it (the photos) directly in the blog? Let me know OK? I’d love for you to be able to share this with everyone.

  2. DUH nevermind, it WAS my connection! OMG the photos are wonderful! Beach days are my favorite ones, he look so at peace and at home in the sand. How funny that he had some wild tendencies but outside in nature, he is right at home and looks at peace.

    What a lucky dog to have the life he did with you.

  3. This was an emotionally difficult to read tribute to a dog I was in love with from the moment I saw him straining on that leash along the riverfront and pulling you and I along…the day he got lost in the leaves the same color as his fur. And as all things you write or feel…very touching and very real. I know first hand and very recently that “Oh yeah, wait, I’m supposed to be feeding/walking/sitting by______..” But they are gone and the empty of the house is the most empty you will ever know.
    He was such a good boy. Such a sweet soul. So wild in so many ways, and yet, such a love. I think anyone who had the fortune to have been leaned on and loved on and even licked by him is very, very lucky. I know I am mourning your loss as well. Call me when you are ready to talk, and we don’t have to talk about it if it’s just too raw. Thank you for this tribute to him. It’s a very special letter to a very special guy. Take care of yourself my friend…

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